Save the date! The DPS SchoolChoice Round 1 open enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year opens at 10 a.m. on Jan. 15 and runs through Feb. 18, 2025 at 4 p.m.
SchoolChoice Round 1 is for any student who wants or needs to attend a new school for the following school year. This particularly impacts transitioning students who are typically incoming kindergarten, sixth- and ninth-grade students moving into a new school due to their grade level. All ECE students, as well as incoming students who reside in an enrollment zone, must complete an application.(Note: School Choice is ONLY to reserve a spot for your desired school. Once you have been accepted in the school you applied for you will then need to register for that school online through DPS parent portal)
Here’s how it works:
Check out our FAQ for a larger overview of the SchoolChoice process. If you need additional help or have questions, start by contacting the SchoolChoice hotline at 720-423-3493, emailing or contacting your child’s school.
Note: All ECE students must participate in School Choice on a yearly basis; due to space limitations, enrollment in a preschool program is not guaranteed. We strongly encourage families to submit their ECE application during Round 1, as this will offer them the best chance of obtaining a seat at their desired DPS preschool program. *Families applying for ECE-4 must first submit a Colorado Universal Preschool (UPK) application to be matched to a school for the 2025-26 school year. The school match will come from UPK. We highly encourage families to submit the UPK application by Feb. 3, 2025. Both School Choice and UPK applications need to be submitted before February 3rd.
Applying for ECE-3?(Students who turn 3 years old on or before Oct. 1 will need to apply for ECE-3.)
If your student has an IEP, go to to complete the UPK application and to apply for funding.
If your student does not have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), no further action is needed at this time.
Applying for ECE-4?(Students who turn 4 years old on or before Oct. 1 will need to apply for ECE-4.)
Learn more about the ECE application process here here
All students must complete the annual online registration and information update through Parent Portal. (This is in addition to the school choice application for the new students)If parents don’t have one they must create an account. Everyone must register online for the 24-25 school year regardless of previous attendance. This is the annual process of providing and updating student and family information on file, including emergency contacts, health information and more. Learn more information.